

The birth of Ferrofigura GmbH is the result of the vision of a group of entrepreneurs and experienced professionals concerning the activities of the steel industry.

To be able to bridge the needs of the customer with production and distribution activities, our business is deeply rooted in the reality of an ever changing market. In the last decade information became very widespread. Customers are better informed and have access to a wider array of choices, distributors and producers.

We understand that the steel industry needs to evolve with the market. Our years of combined experience and knowledge from different areas of the field allow us to stay one step ahead!



We strive towards the following:


Connect, revoke, or restructure open business relationships to enable operative coordination.


Organize all business parties around the shared goal of flourishing business.


Coach managing staff skills to understand the markets’ reality.


Match offers with demands to provide unique business solutions.



The steel producers and steel distributors that are flexible will prosper in both good and bad times, driving growth by dipping themselves in the needs of their customers.

To support this philosophy, we have multiple distribution centers:

Graz, Austria

Regensburg, Germany

Rijeka, Croatia

Bratislava, Slovakia